The Names of the Day
Sat, Feb 1 to Fri, Feb 28
It’s Feb-YOU-ary once again at Booster Juice, and you know what that means? FREE drinks!
Two names will be announced daily on the Booster Rewards App and social media. If your name is called, you get a free drink. If your friend’s name is called, they get a free drink. Your second cousin, twice removed, they can get a free drink too! …But only if their name is called. If your name is announced, visit your local Booster Juice to check-in with your Booster Rewards App and redeem any size Smoothie, Fresh Juice, or Booster Mix’r for FREE! Be sure to download the Booster Rewards App and follow our social media pages for daily updates. EASIEST. FREE DRINK. EVER. All Feb-YOU-ary long, only at Booster Juice.
Free drink offer is only valid if your name is announced for that day only, during operating hours. One free Snack Size Smoothie (355mL), Regular Size Smoothie (710mL), Fresh Juice (475mL), or Booster Mix’r (475mL) per qualified Booster Rewards member. Qualifying Booster Rewards members will be asked to show their name on their Booster Rewards App to confirm qualification. Additional photo identification will be required. Offer valid in-store at participating locations only, no extensions, management reserves all rights.